Best Practices

Why Multilingual HR Software is the Key to Diversity and Inclusion Efforts

As the global marketplace becomes more competitive with each passing year, companies are constantly trying to increase employee satisfaction by improving workplace conditions.
Stefan M.
10 min
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As the global marketplace becomes more competitive with each passing year, companies are constantly trying to increase employee satisfaction by improving workplace conditions.

Today, we'll be discussing multilingual HR software, and how you can use it to promote principles of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. Let's dive in!

The Importance of Multilingual Software

With the rise of the internet, companies can now extend their talent scouting strategies across the whole world. An increased pool of talent to choose from means that finding competent people becomes a lot easier.

However, this luxury has brought with it a new challenge for the HR department, that that challenge is: How do we bridge language and cultural barriers when recruiting foreign talent?

Ask any owner of a multi-national business, and they will tell you about the importance of utilizing multilingual software when optimizing your global HR strategy.

It doesn't matter whether or not the software you use is employee-facing, working with a global workforce is likely to require multilingual HR software to overcome language barriers and exercise inclusion efforts in your communication.

This principle is especially important when bringing in new employees, as they are likely to be unfamiliar with the particular workflow and policies of your company.

Choosing the Right Software

One of the more pronounced issues in contemporary HR technology is the fact that a lot of software, including the more popular ones, doesn't offer a multilingual interface.

On top of that, those that do have multiple languages integrated are usually very pricy. It can cost a company thousands of dollars to purchase enough software language packs to account for the desired language of each employee in their global workforce.

When choosing the right software for your HR teams, take a second to ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the default language of the program?
  • Can it be customized to the native language of each of my employees?
  • Does it offer other languages in case I might need them in the future?
  • Does it display cultural sensitivity?
  • Does it help improve communication with your employees?

These are all important factors to consider when optimizing your HR system for diversity and inclusion efforts.

Multilingual Software Helps Your Employees Learn

Having a multilingual HR system isn't just about being able to translate information in as many different languages as possible. HR technology can also embrace diversity by helping your employees come together.

Multilingual HR programs allow your employees to communicate and learn about the native languages and cultures of their colleagues. This is especially useful to employees who might have migrated from a foreign country or are interested in learning another language in order to expand their career opportunities.

Additionally, helping your employees connect through shared values massively contributes to a healthy work environment, harboring inclusion principles and diversity.

Benefits of Multilingual HR Software

Let's see how using multi-language software can benefit both companies and employees in international business communications.

Inclusive Hiring Process

When building a global workforce, it's the job of the hiring managers to ensure that the application process insinuates no substantial bias in regard to the preferred language and cultural background of the applicant.

Multilingual software helps you create accurate translations of HR documentation while providing you with valuable recruitment data that ensures you will always hire the most qualified people for the job.

Employee Feedback

Communication is the foundation of all human relationships.

For an international organization to be successful, the employees should always feel like they can reach out to the HR department and provide feedback. However, this can be a little tricky when communicating with non-native speakers.

Luckily, good HR software will allow your colleagues to deposit information in their preferred language, and have it automatically translated to your default language. This encourages employee participation and makes sure that no employee feels left out when it comes to company matters.

Performance Tracking

Giving your employees equal opportunities to hone their skills is beneficial for both the employees and the company

With multilingual HR software, you can track the performance of each employee, analyze their strengths and weaknesses, and come up with ideas on how you can help them improve.

Additionally, you can provide courses and training material specifically tailored to their needs, regardless of their preferred language. This effectively eliminates cultural and language barriers and promotes competence as the only measurement of success.

Time Efficiency

"Time is Money" — a phrase as old as time and as true as money.

By integrating a sophisticated system into your HR management, you can effectively automate repetitive tasks and save a lot of time for your HR staff. This time can, in turn, be better spent on work with employees.

Devoting time to coming up with new ideas for improving the work environment lets your employees know that they can count on you to keep their best interests at heart. Integrating this principle into company policy fosters employee loyalty and respect in the workplace.

The Future of Diversity and Inclusion in HR

Every day we see technology take a step forward. Every day we take that same step alongside it. There's no telling what revolutionary ideas the next generation of people will bring into the workplace. We can, however, give our best efforts with what we have while looking forward to what is to come.

For now, it's safe to say that the working conditions for multi-national teams are only getting better. As our global network of communication continues to improve, so do our capabilities for creating healthy work environments that prioritize equality of opportunity for all.

Closing Thoughts

When working with a global workforce, diversity, and cultural sensitivity should be the backbone of your HR strategy. But, as we've just demonstrated, creating an inclusive work environment for your team members isn't as hard as it might seem at first.

The implementation of translation systems like Bureau Works can significantly contribute to fostering diversity in the workforce. For example:

  • It can foster inclusive communication within the organization and ensure all users have access to crucial data, no matter their native language.
  • Language and culture are deeply intertwined, so by using translation services, HR teams can ensure all team members are sensitive to cultural differences.
  • With the implementation of a language translation system, HR managers can ensure that their hiring and training will attract and the most diverse and talented workers.

If you want to know more about how Bureau Works can help you manage a diverse team, download our white paper and read all about it.

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