Best Practices

How to successfully make an eLearning Translation Project

Today’s learners need to be able to access content from anywhere at any time. As an area that encompasses technology and knowledge, eLearning is gaining more and more space in the market as time goes by.
Rodrigo Demetrio
2 min
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Today’s learners need to be able to access content from anywhere at any time. As an area that encompasses technology and knowledge, eLearning is gaining more and more space in the market as time goes by.

But the big question is: How to successfully make an eLearning Translation Project?By 2026, the global e-learning market size is expected to achieve the USD 370 Billion mark, according to a research made by Valuates Reports. Compared to its USD 226 Billion size in 2020, it represents a CAGR of 8.56% from 2021 to 2026.

The ever-growing digitalization in the public and private sectors is one of the factors for this, in addition to the growth in internet connectivity worldwide and innovative cloud infrastructure for companies. As businesses and our economy, in general, become increasingly globalized, you’re going to need personnel all over the world to manage everything from technical issues to customer care. Training them means creating a suite of materials in their native language that accurately reflects your company culture, values, and expectations.

Taking this information into account, it is no wonder that more companies are interested in eLearning translation projects. Still, you can not thrive in this market if you are not prepared for it. In this sense, translation and localization will be your best friends when implementing an eLearning translation project. Keep reading this article to find out how to successfully implement an eLearning translation project to create relevant material in the user’s native language.

By doing this, you will ensure your content accurately reflects your company culture, values, and expectations.

What is eLearning?

Starting from the beginning, it is good to be familiarized with the expressions we are talking about here. “eLearning” is a term that designates electronic learning. This means that, by using eLearning, a person will acquire a certain skill based on digital resources. Those could go from a digital environment to forums or other online training spaces. The essential here is that the educational process occurs online and through a digital device instead of a face-to-face meeting.

How to successfully lead an eLearning Translation Project?

Now that your enterprise is going global, you realize quickly that e-learning content is incredibly difficult to localize - and you don’t have the tools you need to do the job.From on-screen text to graphics, subtitles, and video scripts, e-learning content is multilayered and complex. If you’re not equipped for the challenge, it can be nearly impossible to localize your training content successfully without significant costs.That’s why we created a step-by-step guide to walk you through the process to implement a successful eLearning Translation Project

Schedule timelines

Any project should have a defined scope. When we talk about an eLearning Translation Project, this matter is even more crucial. Therefore, you should know the scope of the material to be translated and what languages will be involved in the translation process. After you understand the scope of your eLearning Translation Project, it is time to make a schedule for it to happen. At this time, you should make a schedule for all necessary steps to create your platform.However, more important than having a tight schedule is having one that works. On that account, you should establish realistic deadlines for the team involved. Remember, the work can not only be done - it has to be done properly and with quality.

Evaluating your Learning Management System’s (LMS)

An LMS is a software responsible for managing and running the flow of your learning process. As such, it works on two fronts: an admin and an user interface.First, a learning management system functions as a server that performs the project’s functionalities. This is the part responsible for the back-office activities of your eLearning project, such as managing the students' information, analyzing reports, and delivering new content. On the other side, there is the user interface: the part of the platform accessed by the students, instructors, and administrators.

Once you understand your stakeholders and the necessities of your project, it is time to match your needs to the best LMS in the market. There are LMS available for different levels of Global LMS Functionality.First, basic ones can be a good choice for entry-level employee training - but can become outdated very quickly if a lot of people start using them.

A Basic Global LMS Functionality includes automated translation for labels and menu items. As tempting as it is, automated translation is never a good option when we talk about an eLearning translation project. Intermediate Global LMS Functionality, on the other side, is the best fit for a project that is given in different languages. This makes it the best fit for global companies - or brands that want to go global. LMS working at an intermediate level have support for multiple HRIS and SSO technologies, as well as localization resources.

Lastly, Advanced Global LMS Functionality is, as the name says, LMS that are more advanced in terms of technology. Hence, it has more power in terms of learning and e-commerce scenarios. These have support for different types of languages, including right-to-left ones. To have a better grasp of your project’s necessities, read the items below.

Language preferences

In order to choose the best LMS for your eLearning Translation Project, you need to know what languages will be targeted in your platform. In this sense, it is key to think about your project’s language fallback. For example, if a language is not available on your platform, which one will be presented instead? Will your content then be available in English or in whatever language is closer to the user’s original choice? Ideally, your LMS should work in a way that fits the best with your client's preferences. It is also important to think about navigation when dealing with language preferences. The goal is to have at least all sign-in and menu elements in the user’s native language - defined in their profile preset. That way, you will save your client’s time, guaranteeing the best user experience.

Multimedia capabilities

A successful eLearning translation project must have content available in a variety of formats. This includes video and audio files, written content, and graphics. Each of these requires specific things. Videos, for example, must contain subtitles or voiceovers. As a determining aspect of user experience, your LMS must be able to support whatever format you choose to include in your portfolio.


Sometimes something as simple as formatting can cause problems for your project. This is the case you are following the American standard of completing numerical dates and the rest of the team is using the European one. That is because Americans use the month/day/year formats, while Europeans follow the day/month/year format. This can cause headaches for leaders as deadlines can be missed or overlooked. Therefore, it is important to establish a concise format that will be the same during all your processes.

Efficient communication

The best LMS must take transparent communication into account. It is important to maintain a space where you can monitor your project’s pipeline and reach out to your translators all in one space. Having clear communication with your LMS software is the only way to develop an efficient feedback system along with the signoff of content and revision processes.

Granular reporting

Keeping track of your project is the only way to see what is or isn’t working on your eLearning platform. A granular reporting system allows you to review the overall workflow. That way you will be able to understand in detail what could be improved.

Establish stakeholders

It is pivotal to know since the beginning who are the ones with a saying in regards to signing-off on key brand terminology. This will avoid inconsistencies in the translation feedback, thus maximizing your brand’s integrity.

The matter of Localization in an eLearning Translation Project

Localization is something needed in any type of content translation. As the concept responsible for optimizing your product, localization will be the key to making your product more sympathetic to the eyes of prospective clients.It’s a common misconception that localization is only about translated words. Instead, localization is a concept that can bring many benefits for different areas of an eLearning Translation Project. In this sense, there are various steps that can be followed to assure the success of your eLearning Translation Project.


As an educational environment, any eLearning Translation platform should keep it simple. This means that there should be an active effort to keep the localization part of your project as simple as possible. Keep in mind that localization concerns much more than only content. It can also be used when we think about the user experience. So having a clean and simple - yet interactive - interface should be your best bet when developing your eLearning Translation Project.


As it is said above, interactiveness is a very important aspect of an eLearning environment. That is because you are dealing with acquiring knowledge. As such, the student in question must be able to interact with your platform.


Choosing the right font is a major, yet overlooked, step in the process of making an eLearning Translation Project. Although it may sound like a good idea to have customized fonts to match each student's individual preference, it is important to keep in mind that the fonts may not translate well in other languages. In this sense, the best solution is to choose universal fonts. When done right, eLearning translation projects can bring many benefits to a company. However, it is important to know what to do in order to succeed in this business. After reading this text, you are more than ready to start your own eLearning translation project. Do you need help translating your content? Do not worry about it! Bureau Works is a translation agency with more than 36 thousand professionals from different backgrounds ready to translate your content. Contact us to learn more about our services!

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Rodrigo Demetrio
Passionate about bringing ideas to life and how languages connect people. One dream? Less marketing, more conversations, less algorithm content, and more originality. Let’s make something awesome together!
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