
Holiday Greetings and Traditions Around the World

Each country has its way of celebrating universal celebrations, such as New Year's Eve or Easter, most of the holidays celebrated around the world are based on commemorative dates that follow the Christian calendar, so it is normal for each culture to adapt the festivities most appropriately and correspondingly as possible.
Rodrigo Demetrio
2 min
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Each country has its way of celebrating universal celebrations, such as New Year's Eve or Easter, most of the holidays celebrated around the world are based on commemorative dates that follow the Christian calendar, so it is normal for each culture to adapt the festivities most appropriately and correspondingly as possible. Many places still have their parties and holidays, when you find a specific celebration in a place, the experience is totally new and will undoubtedly deserve special attention to understand the reason for its celebration.Among the holidays with fixed dates and celebrated around the world, are Christmas and Easter, and among those with flexible dates is Carnival, it is worth mentioning that some countries do not celebrate these holidays, Carnival, for example, is celebrated in the United States, but in some states, it is celebrated in March, others in April and so it goes.Undoubtedly the most famous commemorative date is the New Year, in most countries, the day is celebrated from the last day of December to the first of January of the following year. At this time, people take the opportunity to remember the challenges and victories they have experienced throughout the year, make new requests to their religions, or just enjoy the social encounter with loved ones who have not been close for a long time, whatever the reasons.

Brazil's New Year

The festival inherited the culture of the Italian, Portuguese and African peoples, the Brazilian people usually dress in white to symbolize peace, eat local fish and vegetables, set off fireworks, and some throw offerings on the beaches to African gods, to prosper the following year.

China's New Year

The date is the 23rd day of the last month of the lunar calendar, the population usually makes food offerings to the God of the kitchen to receive family prosperity. Following the Chinese calendar, each year is dedicated to an animal and on the walls and doors are posted papers in gold and red colors with positive writings, at the end of the night, a cake is served, and shortly after the fireworks. The party ends in the morning when they give money to their families in the belief that Karma will return them generously.

United States's New Year

The party is very similar to that of Brazilians, The Americans get together, drink, dance, and enjoy their time socializing and distributing positive messages, at midnight after the countdown, they usually share sweets, at the time-square in Nova York, a big apple explodes at midnight throwing candy at people. But those are just some of the most famous ways to celebrate the new year.

Saint Patrick's Day in Ireland

Saint Patrick's Day in Ireland

All countries have regional cultural festivals, one of which is Saint Patrick's Day in Ireland, where people dress in green and celebrate the date dedicated to the saint who dressed, in the same way, to spread the religion in favor of the Holy Trinity to the Celts, around the year 461. The Irish and their descendants love to enjoy band parades and street shows, and the population loves to get together to drink beer, often made in green color. Everywhere you can see the lucky three-leaf green clover brought by the Celts, good-natured elves, and dishes that range from meat with cabbage or artisan pieces of bread.

Day of the Dead in Mexico

Day of the Dead in Mexico

In Mexico, there is a celebration of the Day of the Dead, but it is not to be scared, the predominantly Catholic culture understands Death as a figure that guides people to their destiny in the best and fairest way. On November 2nd, it is very common to dig up the bodies of loved ones and walk around with their coffins offering perfumes with the aromas that the deceased liked, favorite foods and even dressing the skeletons to show respect to the spirits of the dead. Several countries celebrate this day, so the holiday is international and with a fixed date, but they are celebrated in different ways, in Brazil, for example, people usually visit the deceased and pay condolences, do not eat something chosen, and pray for their souls.The celebrations are many and in the most varied ways, many of them are located in the interior of countries and are difficult to find, but each one deserves respect and recognition, there are a lot of cultures and are certainly worth the experience.

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Rodrigo Demetrio
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