Best Practices

How to Simplify Management of Multilingual Content Localization

The best way to simplify your multilingual content localization process is to give the job to someone else. Give it to someone you can trust to deliver on your far-reaching goals—someone you can trust to actually care about your content.
Gabriel Fairman
2 min
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The best way to simplify your multilingual content localization process is to give the job to someone else. Give it to someone you can trust to deliver on your far-reaching goals—someone you can trust to actually care about your content.

We recommend building a strong relationship with an experienced localization partner who can get in the weeds with you and map a clear path forward.

Step 1: Create a Map of Your Content Ecosystem

Anyone who tries to sell localization as a one-size-fits-all project is not giving it to you straight. A localization partner that is truly committed is going to sit down with you at the start of this endeavor just to get to know your company, your product, your workflow, and your goals because your product deserves a unique strategy. Every detail matters, and, yet, no detail should weigh you down on the path forward.This is why step one involves drawing out a map of your content localization ecosystem. Really careful language service providers (LSPs) consider this an indispensable part of onboarding for clients looking to manage global content.First, identify every category of content you’re managing and planning to localize. And for each of those categories, trace them to the different applications that are managing the content. Your localization expert can then help you understand which are the ideal vehicles through which that content can be entered into the localization process. It may be API-based integration, or it may be manual submission of a file into a localization management platform. You can begin to imagine how the automatic or manual transmission would feel as you’re driving your localization forward and which would be more compatible with your workflow.Second, identify the realities of that workflow and all of the people who will be involved in the localization process. Who are all of the people? What are their roles? At which points in the workflow will each individual need to be assigned to tasks? With the right questions, you can bridge the content systems and the people systems.Then, it all becomes pretty simple.

Step 2: Automate the Routes on Your Map

Especially if you have really big expectations for your localization potential, it’s important to step back and evaluate. It’s worth taking the time to categorize your content and to characterize your collaborators because then you can build a system that actually works. When your localization management platform is customized in this way, it is both powerful and flexible.In the hands of localization experts, your map is optimized with the most efficient intersections, routes, and oversight. An otherwise complicated and slow path running in different directions between requesters, localization managers, engineers, translators, and reviewers can be neatly routed for the ease of the individuals involved and for the quality management of the localized resources. Effective end-to-end automation is the proverbial unicorn for many in pursuit of multilingual content localization. But it’s within reach with the right LSP.

Step 3: Ramp Up Localization in a Scalable System

The trick is tracking down a trusted partner with the experience and technology to map your complicated localization ecosystem onto a centralized platform. Of the many localization services and tools that exist on the market, your enterprise needs a platform that allows for a complex system of users, profiles, permissions, and customizable workflows. That way, when it comes time to use the management platform, it’s actually reflective of your localization reality. A good platform automatically saves time and manpower, which looks great on the bottom line.And, equally important, these qualities of simplicity and sleek efficiency don’t falter as your company grows. As you expand into new markets around the world, your working systems expand within the same centralized platform to manage new content and new collaborators effortlessly. This is all because you built your localization ecosystem from the ground up, zooming in on the micro-relationships and content pathways. And, of course, it’s because you connected with a well-equipped localization partner that was going to stick with you for the long haul. We’ve scaled into the future in this scenario.

Start Your Multilingual Content Localization from the Beginning

Don’t make the mistake of starting your localization process too late in your product’s life cycle. It’s probably not going to be sustainable. Be willing to break it down and acknowledge the right fit for every localization element at work. With this level of understanding, you’ll be in an ideal position to recognize the tools your localization ecosystem needs to thrive.Not all language service providers are prepared to deliver the level of customization and accountability you need. Not all localization platforms are powerful enough to handle the range of content and collaborators you need to manage. But when you find a partner that can keep up, you’ll recognize the power behind the simplicity.

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Gabriel Fairman
Founder and CEO of Bureau Works, Gabriel Fairman is the father of three and a technologist at heart. Raised in a family that spoke three languages and having picked up another three over the course of his life, he has always been fascinated with the role language plays in identity and the creation of meaning. Gabriel loves to cook, play the guitar, tennis, soccer, and ski. As far as work goes, he enjoys being at the forefront of innovation and mobilizing people and teams together toward a mission. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Gabriel was honored with the 2023 Innovator of the Year Award at LocWorld Silicon Valley.
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