Best Practices

Bureau Works vs. Memsource

Effective translation and localization services are crucial in reaching a diverse audience and expanding into new markets in today's globalized business landscape. As a result, translation management systems (TMS) have emerged as essential tools for businesses and language service providers (LSPs) to streamline their translation workflows.
Lucky Eze
27 min
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Effective translation and localization services are crucial in reaching a diverse audience and expanding into new markets in today's globalized business landscape. As a result, translation management systems (TMS) have emerged as essential tools for businesses and language service providers (LSPs) to streamline their translation workflows. Two popular TMS solutions that have gained significant attention are Bureau Works and Memsource. In this blog post, we will delve into a comparative study of the differences between these two platforms, shedding light on their unique features, strengths, and limitations.

Bureau Works, a leading TMS provider, boasts comprehensive features designed to enhance collaboration, automate processes and repetitive tasks, and ensure linguistic quality. With its user-friendly interface and robust project management capabilities, Bureau Works excels in handling large-scale translation projects, enabling seamless communication between project stakeholders, translators, and clients.

On the other hand, Memsource, another powerful TMS, offers a wide array of advanced functionalities and other tools that cater to the specific needs of LSPs and enterprises. Its cloud-based infrastructure and innovative AI-powered tools allow efficient project management, streamlined translation workflows, and integration with various content management systems.

This comparative study will explore key aspects such as pricing models, scalability, integrations, language support, quality assurance mechanisms, and customer support. By gaining insights into the contrasting features and strengths of Bureau Works and Memsource, you'll be better equipped to decide which TMS solution aligns with your specific requirements and objectives.

Company Overview

Bureau Works Overview

Bureau Works is a pioneering California-based translation company that entered the market in 2018. Leveraging the expertise and experience of its founders, Bureau Works has emerged as a leading provider of innovative language solutions for enterprise language, development, and learning teams worldwide.

Built upon a foundation of existing automation, Bureau Works offers a state-of-the-art translation platform that revolutionizes how organizations communicate across borders. With a deep understanding of various languages and the unique challenges faced by global businesses, Bureau Works is committed to empowering companies to navigate linguistic and cultural barriers effectively.

At Bureau Works, we recognize that accurate and efficient translation is essential for companies to thrive in today's interconnected world. Our comprehensive suite of language services encompasses translation, localization, and interpretation, ensuring that businesses can seamlessly connect with their global audiences. By combining cutting-edge technology with a network of highly skilled linguists, we deliver exceptional results that meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Our client-centric approach sets us apart. We collaborate closely with our customers to understand their specific requirements, timelines, and budgetary considerations. From small-scale projects to large-scale multilingual initiatives, we provide tailored solutions that enable businesses to expand their global reach and drive meaningful connections with their target markets.

With a commitment to continuous improvement, Bureau Works remains at the forefront of innovation in the language services industry. Our agile development team continually refines our platform, incorporating the latest advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance our translation solutions' speed, accuracy, and scalability.

Memsource Overview

Memsource, originally founded in 2010 as an offshoot of a Charles University project in the Czech Republic, has emerged as a pioneering force in translation technology. As one of the earliest Cloud-based computer-assisted tools featuring a robust API, Memsource quickly gained traction worldwide. It gained significant popularity among Nordic, Japanese, and Russian translation companies, enabling seamless and efficient translation workflows.

Driven by a relentless pursuit of innovation and customer-centricity, Memsource expanded its operations to the United States, capturing the attention of the enterprise customer segment. This expansion marked a significant milestone in the company's growth trajectory, further solidifying its position as a global leader in the translation industry.

However, as the company continues to evolve and adapt to the changing landscape, it has transformed. Memsource, known for its cutting-edge technology and commitment to excellence, has rebranded itself as Phrase. This new brand identity represents the company's renewed vision and focus, building upon the strong foundation established by Memsource.

Key Differences Between Bureau Works and Memsources

The translation tool industry is crucial in bridging language barriers and facilitating effective communication in today's globalized world. With the increasing demand for translation services, translation tools have become essential for streamlining the translation process and ensuring high-quality translations. Two prominent players in the translation tools market are Bureau Works and Memsource. This comparative study will explore the key differences between these two platforms and analyze their strengths and weaknesses.

Translation Process and Machine Translation

Both Bureau Works and Memsource offer comprehensive solutions for the translation process. The translation process involves several stages: file preparation, translation, editing, proofreading, and finalization. Both platforms provide the following:

  • Features that facilitate these stages.
  • Ensuring a smooth workflow for translation agencies.
  • Freelance translators.
  • Language service providers.

Machine translation, an integral part of the translation process, is also supported by both Bureau Works and Memsource. Machine translation service refers to using automated translation algorithms to generate translations. It can significantly expedite the translation process, especially for large volumes of content. Both platforms integrate machine translation services, enabling users to leverage the power of artificial intelligence to enhance productivity and reduce costs.

Use of AI

Bureau Works and Memsource are two popular translation platforms that utilize artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance their services. While both platforms harness the power of AI, they differ in their approach. Bureau Works incorporates AI for automated translation, utilizing machine learning algorithms to provide accurate and efficient translations. On the other hand, Memsource focuses on AI-assisted translation, where human translators work in tandem with AI tools to improve their productivity and accuracy. These distinct approaches allow users to choose the platform that best aligns with their translation needs and preferences.

Translation Tools and CAT Tools

Translation tools, commonly computer-aided translation (CAT) tools, are essential for efficient translation management. Bureau Works and Memsource offer robust translation software incorporating various CAT tools to optimize the translation workflow.

Bureau Works boasts a user-friendly interface and access to various advanced features to enhance translation management. Its CAT tools enable translation agencies and freelance translators to efficiently handle multiple language pairs and collaborate seamlessly with clients and colleagues. Additionally, Bureau Works' translation management system and memory capabilities contribute to consistent and high-quality translations.

Memsource, on the other hand, provides a cloud-based translation platform that offers a wide array of CAT tools. These tools assist in translation memory management, terminology management, and quality assurance. Memsource's translation memory feature allows users to leverage previously translated text segments, ensuring consistency and reducing translation time. Furthermore, the platform's terminology management tools help maintain accurate and consistent terminology across projects.

Translation Agencies and Human Translators

Both Bureau Works and Memsource cater to the needs of translation agencies and human translators. These platforms provide the infrastructure and tools for managing translation projects and collaborating effectively with clients.

Bureau Works focuses on providing a comprehensive translation management system that empowers translation agencies to handle projects efficiently. The platform offers advanced project management features, automated workflows, and seamless integration with other systems. This enables translation agencies to streamline operations, ensure timely deliveries, and provide high-quality translations.

Memsource also offers a translation management system tailored to translation agencies. Its intuitive project management interface allows translator agencies to handle multiple projects simultaneously and efficiently allocate resources. Additionally, Memsource's collaborative features enable real-time collaboration between translation teams and clients, enhancing overall productivity and communication.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Bureau Works excels in providing a user-friendly interface, advanced translation management features, and seamless integration capabilities. Its focus on translation agencies and their specific needs makes it a reliable choice for organizations looking to optimize their translation workflow. However, Bureau Works may be less suitable for freelance translators requiring a more lightweight and flexible solution.

On the other hand, Memsource offers a robust cloud-based platform with a wide range of CAT tools, making it suitable for both translation agencies and freelance translators. Its emphasis on collaboration and real-time communication facilitates effective project management. However, users may find the learning curve for some advanced features slightly steeper compared to Bureau Works.

Pricing Structure

Bureau Works offers customized pricing based on the specific requirements of the translation agency or organization. They provide personalized quotes and packages tailored to individual needs. On the other hand, Memsource offers different pricing tiers based on usage and features, allowing users to choose a plan that best suits their budget and requirements.

Integration Capabilities

Both Bureau Works and Memsource offer integration with various systems and tools. However, their integration capabilities differ. Bureau Works focuses on seamless integration with popular project management systems, content management systems, and customer relationship management platforms. Memsource, on the other hand, offers a wide range of integrations, including connectors for popular translation management systems, content management systems, and other third-party tools, enhancing flexibility and workflow efficiency.

Collaboration Features

While both platforms offer collaboration features, they differ in their approach. Bureau Works strongly emphasizes collaboration between translation agencies, clients, and translators. It provides a centralized platform where stakeholders can communicate, share files, and manage projects. Memsource, on the other hand, offers real-time collaboration features such as in-editor comments and chat, enabling translators and project managers to collaborate directly within the translation interface.

Support and Training

Bureau Works provides dedicated support and training to its clients. They offer personalized onboarding and training sessions to ensure users are well-equipped to utilize the platform effectively. Additionally, Bureau Works assigns a dedicated account manager to assist with any issues or queries. Memsource offers comprehensive support through its online knowledge base, community forums, and email support. They also provide training resources such as webinars and documentation to help users get started.

Industry Specialization

Both Bureau Works and Memsource cater to a wide range of industries. However, Bureau Works strongly focuses on certain industries such as marketing, e-commerce, and technology. They offer industry-specific features and workflows tailored to the unique requirements of these sectors. Memsource, on the other hand, has a broader customer base across various industries and provides flexible solutions that can be adapted to different sectors.

User Interface and Experience

Bureau Works prides itself on providing a user-friendly interface and intuitive user experience. They prioritize simplicity and ease of use, ensuring users can navigate the platform seamlessly. Memsource offers a feature-rich interface that may require some learning and familiarity. While it provides a wealth of options and customization, it may take some time for users to harness its capabilities fully.

Scalability and Enterprise Solutions

Bureau Works offers scalable solutions and specializes in catering to the needs of enterprise-level translation agencies and organizations. They have the infrastructure and capabilities to handle large volumes of translated content and complex translation projects. Bureau Works' enterprise-grade features, such as advanced project management and resource allocation, make it suitable for businesses with extensive translation requirements. Memsource, on the other hand, provides scalable solutions as well, but it also caters to the needs of small to mid-sized translation agencies and freelance translators. They offer flexible plans that accommodate different scales of translation projects, making them accessible to many users.

Quality Assurance and Reporting

Both Bureau Works and Memsource prioritize quality assurance in the translation process. Bureau Works incorporates a comprehensive quality assurance and computer-assisted translation process, including multiple rounds of editing and proofreading, to ensure accurate and high-quality translations. They also provide detailed reporting and analytics to track project progress, quality metrics, and other performance indicators. Memsource offers a variety of quality assurance features, such as translation memory and terminology management, to maintain consistency and accuracy across translations. Additionally, Memsource provides real-time quality checks and customizable quality assurance settings to meet specific project requirements.


Bureau Works and Memsource are powerful translation management systems offering a range of features and capabilities to streamline translation workflows. Bureau Works excels in its user-friendly interface, robust project management capabilities, and emphasis on collaboration, making it a suitable choice for translation agencies and large-scale projects. On the other hand, Memsource, now rebranded as Phrase, provides a cloud-based platform with a wide array of CAT tools, making it suitable for freelance translators.

The key differences between the two platforms lie in their pricing structures, integration capabilities, collaboration features, industry specializations, user interfaces, scalability, and quality assurance mechanisms. Bureau Works focuses on personalized pricing, seamless integration with popular systems, powerful collaboration features, and industry-specific workflows, making it capable of serving organizations' and enterprises' needs. Memsource offers flexible pricing tiers, extensive integrations, real-time collaboration features, a broader industry customer base, and customizable quality assurance settings.

Ultimately, the choice between Bureau Works and Memsource depends on your translation projects' specific needs, preferences, and objectives. By carefully considering the differences outlined in this comparative study, you can make an informed decision and select the TMS solution that aligns best with your requirements, helping you achieve effective translation and localization in your global business endeavors.

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Lucky Eze
Lucky Ezeihuaku is an SEO expert and specialist Translation content writer with Bureau Works. He has a master’s degree in English and Literature, and has been writing professionally for at least 7 years. He has gone on to specialize in the Translation and Localization niche, churning out multiple quality, informative, and optimized articles for Bureau Works over the past year. He claims writing and developing SEO strategies keeps him going, and he’s also interested in Data Analytics.
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