Best Practices

Best Software Localization Tools for Growing Enterprises

Software localization is the key to expanding your product internationally.
Gabriel Fairman
2 min
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Software localization is the key to expanding your product internationally.

Using machine translators or proxy services can give you surface-level translation for your content, but it won’t be nearly enough to make your software culturally appropriate or authentic for new markets. It also won’t be a long-term solution if you’re looking to grow your business. So how do you create a feasible localization strategy that can give your product an advantage on new markets and account for future growth?

Constructing a localization process that includes the best software localization tools for your software is the most sustainable way to continuously adapt your content as your company grows.  

Creating a Localization Process for Scalability

The localization process is equally as important as the tools you use to translate the content because the tools you use have to be aligned with your process to give you the simplest route to successful localization. Creating a localization process that allows you to scale your content and thrive in multiple markets starts with identifying your software’s requirements.

Knowing how well your software’s architecture is set up for localization can help you optimize it to help the process. For instance, software using ternary operators would run into more trouble localizing content because it’s not well suited to the process. In this case, file engineering to remove the operators would need to be included in the localization process.

Understanding your software’s extensions, encoding, and other technical variables can help you create a process that works with your software to simplify localizing your content. Taking the time to create a process that works with your content management architecture will give you better success with scaling your content in the future.

Localizing growing content is always unpredictable because paradigms that work for fewer files may no longer work for an increased number of files that had to be translated to multiple languages.

It can be a sensitive operation, which is why aligning your process with your content’s architecture and the possibility of company growth is imperative for tackling larger file translations.  

Four of the Best Software Localization Tools for Scalability

Combining a working localization process with the best tools created to ease the strain of future translations is the most effective way to reduce the burden of localizing content for a growing enterprise.

It allows for flexibility in changing translation models that no longer work well with a larger amount of content in order to maintain translation quality and efficiency. Four of the best tools to incorporate into your localization process are:  

1. Automated Localization

Automating your localization process can significantly reduce labor hours associated with project management tasks for future content translation and allows your workforce to perform more important tasks. It does this by triggering a translation project each time your content is updated and automatically sends it to a linguist to translate the material.

Once the linguist is done, localization engines ensure the translated content is consistent with previous high-quality translations and set to go live in the respective markets it was translated for. This also reduces the time associated with translating new content without sacrificing quality. It’s a very valuable tool when it comes to continuously localizing software content as your business expands.  

2. Translation Memory

The constant updates that come with maintaining and scaling your software’s content require frequent translation to keep your software up-to-par with other market competitors. Translation memories lessen the strain of updating material by monitoring previously translated material and storing it for future use. It gives linguists translation suggestions to lessen the time they spend translating new material and keeps translations consistent.  

3. File Engineering

File engineering strategies directly coincide with localization processes to ensure your content management architecture and code are able to be translated efficiently. It’s necessary to prepare your software for localization and it’s also necessary for new translation jobs associated with content updates. File engineering protects code in the strings sent to linguists to make sure that the right content is translated and to preserve essential code so a translation doesn’t damage your software’s functionality.  

4. Quality Assurance (QA) Review

QA reviews allow all necessary members of the localization process to review and edit translated material to guarantee accurate and quality translations before the content is released to new markets.

Having a QA review process helps to eliminate the scenario where software pages are shut down to fix errors after they’ve been published. It also helps maintain your content’s authenticity and integrity as users come across it. This is crucial for thriving in different markets.  Combining tools with a sustainable localization process helps ease the burden of localizing your software’s content to new markets as your company continues to grow.  

Partner With an Innovative Localization Agency

Creating a localization strategy and finding the tools to aid it can be difficult and once tasks begin to pile up, you can quickly lose track of how much you’re spending on the venture. Work with a localization management platform that can provide the tools you need and help you improve your strategy to overcome any obstacles associated with growing your content’s reputation internationally.

A good localization partner is flexible and well-equipped enough to help you shift your localization paradigms to scale your software’s reach and sets you up for a long-term localization strategy that grows with your business.

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Gabriel Fairman
Founder and CEO of Bureau Works, Gabriel Fairman is the father of three and a technologist at heart. Raised in a family that spoke three languages and having picked up another three over the course of his life, he has always been fascinated with the role language plays in identity and the creation of meaning. Gabriel loves to cook, play the guitar, tennis, soccer, and ski. As far as work goes, he enjoys being at the forefront of innovation and mobilizing people and teams together toward a mission. In recognition of his outstanding contributions, Gabriel was honored with the 2023 Innovator of the Year Award at LocWorld Silicon Valley.
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